April 26, 2013

Depredation (n.) and Despoil (v.)

1. Depredation (n.): Predatory attack, a raid that results in damage or loss.
-When I saw the mouth-watering garlic surf & turf burrito I kenw that a depredation was about to take place.
2. Despoil (v.): to take everything; plunder.
-Three houses in one town were despoiled over the weekend by a pair of masked bandits.

April 14, 2013

Baroque (adj.) and Brusque (adj.)

1. Baroque (adj.): Extravagant.
-The entrance to the house with it's massive chandelier up above and gigantic mural of the couple overwhelming the sight was fitting with the baroque lifestyle of the owners.
2. Brusque (adj.): Sudden in manner or speech.
-His brusque response made it obvious that he had something to hide.

April 13, 2013

Canard (n.)

1. Canard (n.): A false statement or rumor.
-Unfortunately for the high-schooler, the canard of the night's event was much more interesting than the truth to the point that years later as a grown man he no longer even remember the real story.

April 2, 2013

Derision (n.)

1. Derision (n.): The act of mocking; ridicule; mockery.
-A day of derision from the boss left the employees deflated.