August 22, 2011

Pan Am Flight 103 was destroyed by a bomb over the skies of Lockerbie, Scotland killing 270 people.

1. Pan Am Flight 73 was hijacked on September 5, 1986, while on the ground at Karachi, Pakistan, by four armed men of the Abu Nidal Organization. 20 passengers were killed (some Americans). The hijackers were arrested and sentenced to death in Pakistan. However, Pakistan later released all the hijackers against the wishes of the United States and India.
2. Pan Am Flight 103, (London to JFK Airport) was destroyed by a bomb on Wednesday December 21, 1988. All 243 passengers and 16 crew members died. Eleven people on the ground in Lockerbie, Scotland were also killed as large sections of the plane fell in the town. It has been suggested the Muammar al-Gaddafi ordered and financially supported the attacks. Lybia eventually came to a $2.7 billion settlement with the victims.
$540 Million of the money never made it to the families as US did not meet one of the requirements of removing Lybia from the list of countries that supported terrorism by April 2005. US removed Lybia from its list of countries that support terrorism on 15 May 2006...
3. Pan American World Airways went out of business on December 4, 1991.

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